SMACNA “Round Industrial Duct Construction Standards” Updated

Earlier this month, SMACNA announced the availability of the revised “Round Industrial Duct Construction Standards,” 3rd edition, 2013, an American National Standard, ANSI/SMACNA 005-2013. Gustafson’s ductwork is designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of this duct construction standard.
According to SMACNA’s website, “The standard expands the scope of the second edition, updating the duct materials to include aluminized steel, temperature correction factors for round industrial, and minimum decimal thickness for aluminum duct selection tables. Several chapters offer a standardized, engineering basis for design and construction of industrial duct of Class 1 to Class 5 air.
A spiral duct chapter for Class 1 and Class 2 air covers design pressures ranging from 30 in. wg negative to 50 in. wg positive, plus carbon and galvanized steel tables. The 660 page-book includes expanded tables for stainless steel and aluminum, expanded tables for duct sizes up to 96 inches in diameter, plus Class 5 systems handling corrosives and spiral lock-seam pipe.
The “Round Industrial Duct Construction Standards,” 3rd edition, 2013, is available in both book and PDF formats. Subscriptions are also available. Order online at:”